Angle Modulation
Modulation is a process in which a low-frequency message signal is combined or imposed with a high-frequency carrier signal. It can also be defined as the process through which a message or baseband signal is transmitted with the help of a carrier signal to the receiver end. It enhances the signal strength and helps to transmit signal for a large distance range. It also helps to reduce the size of the antenna. Modulation can be Digital modulation or Analog modulation. There are various types of modulation that change the properties of carrier waves. Modulation can be Amplitude Modulation or Angle Modulation....
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Aliasing Effect
In this article we will be going through the aliasing effect, we will start our article with the definition of the aliasing effect, then we will go through its cause and application with its effect, then we will see its disadvantages and ways to prevent it. At last, we will conclude our article with some FAQs....
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Block Diagram Reduction Rules
As we know a complex control system is difficult to analyze as various factors are associated with it. In this article, we will see how to easily analyze a control system, and it is only possible by using block diagram reduction rules. This representation of a system involves summing points, functional blocks, etc., connected through branches which makes the analysis easy, simple, and step by step, crystal clear....
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Implementation of AND Gate from NOR Gate
Digital electronics revolves around storing data in bits of 1s and 0s. Not only is digital electronics an efficient way of storing data but it also makes it easier to encrypt and secure our data. It is awesome how we can use different logic gates to implement some functions and represent these equations. In this article, we will see how we can represent an AND logic which is high using a NOR logic which represents complement. Firstly, we will individually understand these gates and then we will implement them....
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What is Insulator ?
The term insulator refers to a device whose prime function is to ‘insulate’. An insulator is an electrical device that opposes the flow of current in a circuit. This quality of insulators to resist the motion of electrons is of great electrical advantage. They are often used as a protection device in certain circuits with high currents....
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Fourier Transform in Circuit Analysis
In this article, we will study about the Fourier transform analysis or Fourier Transform in Circuit Analysis. The Fourier transform is basically a mathematical operation that decomposes a signal into its constituent frequency components. In simple words, it converts a signal from the time domain to the frequency domain. The time domain will represent the signal as a function of time, while the frequency domain represents the signal as a function of frequency....
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Electromagnetic Interference
Electromagnetic Interference(EMI) is the interference caused in an electrical path or electrical device due to an external source such as lightning, solar storms, and solar flares. Have you ever experienced some unwanted noise, while communicating through mobile phones? This unwanted noise is caused because of Electromagnetic Interference. In this article we are going to learn what is electromagnetic interference with Some Examples Next we will go through how it evolves, its effect, its properties of electromagnetic Interference, advantages and disadvantages of electromagnetic interference. So it is basically an unwanted noise in the electric circuit by an outside source....
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Controllability and Observability in Control System
The control system is the system that directs the input to another system and regulates its output. It helps in determining the system’s behavior. The controllability and observability help in designing the control system more effectively. Controllability is the ability to control the state of the system by applying specific input whereas observability is the ability to measure or observe the system’s state. In this article, we will study controllability and observability in detail....
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What is Frequency?
If you are doing engineering, studying physics, or electronics, you must have read the word frequency. It quantifies the repetitions of a recurring event within a specific timeframe. Although it appears straightforward, frequency carries significant implications across diverse domains, including electrical engineering, musical theory, and more. In this article, we will understand what is it, why it is used, and what terms are used for calculating frequency in an easy manner....
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E- Plane Tee
We have studied how waveguides form an important part of microwave engineering. In this article, we will study one important application of waveguide which is E-Plane Tee. E-Plane Tee is a junction which is formed by joining two waveguides together. We will study the E-Plane Tee by looking at its properties and its structure....
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What is State Space Analysis ?
The State Space analysis applies to the non-linear and time-variant system. It helps in the analysis and design of linear, non-linear, multi-input, and multi-output systems. Earlier the transfer function applied to the linear time-invariant system but with the help of State Space analysis, it is possible to find the transfer function of the non-linear and time-variant systems. In this article, we will study the State Space Model in control system engineering....
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In this article, we will be discussing about attenuation. We will also discuss about attenuation in optical fiber and networking. We will look into the various factors that causes attenuation in optical fiber and networking. We will discuss about attenuation coefficient. We also will discuss how can we measure attenuation and the methods that are available to measure. In addition to this, we will discuss how can attenuation be prevented. We will also compare attenuation with amplification and see their differences. Later in this article, we will discuss about the various advantages, disadvantages and application of attenuation....
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